Tiroirs caisse SAGA SGDK410 

Les tiroirs caisse SAGA SGDK410 est un tiroir horizontal métallique utilisé par les commerces de détail. Il complète le point d’encaissement connecté à l’imprimante tickets, elle-même reliée à la caisse enregistreuse, c’est le trio POS par excellence.

Ce tiroir caisse à ouverture automatique est constitué d’un monnayeur divisé en 4 emplacements billets et 8 emplacements pièces. Ce tiroir caisse robuste est équipé d’un capteur qui gère le retour automatique du monnayeur. Il possède une fente à l’avant pour l’insertion de documents (tickets, chèques, reçus…) il est noir et est livré avec son jeu de clé.

two people shaking hands

Tous nos produits

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

SGBS360 Filaire

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

SGBS960 sans fil

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

Caisses tactiles OVA II

Tous nos produits

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

SGBS360 Filaire

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

SGBS960 sans fil

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries


a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

Caisses tactiles OVA II

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

Alarmes ajax

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

Cashlogy POS2023

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

Balance CS2300

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

Balance C325

a bakery filled with lots of different types of pastries

Logiciel CASHMAG

woman sitting at table

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